Friday, June 28, 2024

Annual exhibition of members of the Association of Visual Arts Artists of Northern Greece at Casa Bıanca

The Kurds have a saying: "Whoever's house burns, he hurts the most." Thus the Kurds, deprived of international support, have so far failed to create their own independent state and in this way ensure the duration of their existence as a nation in the future. In their struggle, they suffered genocide many times, by the four states that Kurdistan is under their occupation, even with chemical weapons!

The pain is universal, I hope no one hurts!

I hope that the Kurds will be vindicated and that this nightmare of almost 200 years will end!

Serhad Bapir

Note: These words accompany the photo of my work in the exhibition catalogue.

City, 2023, acrylics, 130X100 cm.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Serhad Bapir's solo exhibition opened yesterday at the Hydria Foundation in Thessaloniki

From the opening of Serhad Bapir's 9th solo exhibition at the Hydria Foundation in Thessaloniki on March 6, 2024.

Photo: Nikos Bendilas

Serhad Bapir's 9th solo painting exhibition at the Hydria Foundation in Thessaloniki

Press release

The "Hydria" Cultural Foundation invites you to the opening of the painting exhibition of the artist Serhad Bapir, on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

It is a series of landscapes and still lifes with acrylics and Chinese inks, small and medium dimensions, that the painter created in the period 2014-2024.

Serhad Bapir was born in 1964 in Tetwan, Kurdistan. In 1984 he fled to Greece, where he remained as a political refugee. For his studies from 1985 to 1992 he received a scholarship from the Institute Kurde De Paris. From 1987 to 1992 he studied at the School of Fine Arts of the Athens University of Fine Arts. attending the painting workshops of professors D. Kontos and V. Dimitreas. From 2001 to 2007 he studied in the engraving department of the same School (second degree), with professor X. Sahini. Since 1997 he has been working in Secondary Education. He is a member of the Chamber of Visual Arts of Greece, the Association of Visual Arts Artists of Northern Greece, the Union of Greek Engravers and the Union of Art Course Teachers. He has held 8 solo exhibitions in Greece and Sweden, as well as participated in more than 100 group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. His works are in some public and private collections in Greece and abroad.

Exhibition duration: March 6 - 29, 2024

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 11:00 - 15:00

Wednesday AND 18:00 - 21:00

Sunday, November 5, 2023

From the opening of the exhibition

From the opening of the 40th anniversary exhibition of the Association of Visual Arts Artists of Northern Greece in the Gallery of the Society of Macedonian Studies on 3/11/2023
Foto: Nikos Bendilas

Two Cities Marked My Life.

I was born in the coastal city of Tetwan, Kurdistan. A city of 20 thousand inhabitants then and about 100 thousand now, on the shores of Lake Wan, which we call the sea, a large, salty and deep lake slightly larger than the area of Evia, at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level.

I lived there until I was 19, followed by the difficult years of illegality due to my participation in the Kurdish liberation struggle and then as a political refugee I arrived in Greece.

For 38 years now I have lived in Thessaloniki, a city that as a location always reminds me of Tetwan, of course on a much larger scale.

Here I studied art and here I charted my artistic path, as well as here I created a family and had my children.

The urban landscape always moves me and is present in my painting. It is, after all, the space in which we live but also where our historical memory takes place.

Serhad Bapir

Note: These words accompany the photo of my work in the exhibition catalogue.

City, 2023, acrylics, 130X100 cm.

The exhibition invitation

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Serhad Bapir: A Kurdish Visual Artist Tells His Story

Serhad Bapir was a guest of Zahra Institute on 18/10/2023

A useful and pleasant meeting was held on the Zoom platform. Mr. Mucahit Bilici directed the event..
In this meeting, the visual artist Serhad Bapir presented his works and talked about his artistic reflection and as he answered the questions.
Mr. Mucahit Bilici did the direct translation from Kurdish to English.
You can watch this meeting on YouTube.
The Zahra Institute is an institute in Chicago, USA.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The photos of Serhad Bapir's works in the new issue of the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique Kurdî

In issue 67 (October - November 2021) of the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique Kurdî as an artist of this issue, photos of my 30 works were published.

And in 2010 as an artist of issue 12 the photos from a series of my works were published.

Issue 67 of the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique Kurdî

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Miniature group exhibition of the Visual Artists Association of Northern Greece in Thessaloniki

With these 4 works I participate in the group miniature exhibition of the Visual Artists Association of Northern Greece in Thessaloniki.

Landscape, 2020, acrylics, 12x12 cm

Landscape, 2020, acrylics, 12x12 cm

Landscape, 2020, acrylics, 12x12 cm

Landscape, 2020, acrylics, 12x12 cm

Exhibition poster

Friday, September 25, 2020

Today is the anniversary of a very important day for the Kurds

In our recent history, as a nation and as a country, our greatest success and victory is the successful holding of the Kurdistan Independence Referendum. 

We know he followed this important decision of the Kurds.

Even for various reasons, 100 times if we fall, we will rise again, because as a nation and as a country we have decided that we will survive. Our first step was the successful holding of the Referendum, but our biggest day, the establishment of an independent Kurdistan will not be long in coming.

The wish from the new Millennium, oil and wood paints, 100x100 cm.

Serhad Bapir in the exhibition entitled "Thessaloniki to the painters" in the Gallery of the Gallery of the Society of Macedonian Studies

TV 100, Show "On the Land of Macedonia" by Stelios Loukas. The painter Serhad Bapir talks about his own participation in the exhibition entitled "Thessaloniki to painters" at the EMS Gallery.

The Society for Macedonian Studies, in the context of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of its founding, organized in its Gallery an exhibition entitled "Thessaloniki to painters".

The exhibition presents 130 works by 80 Greek and foreign painters covering a period from the middle of the 19th century until today. 

Serhad Bapir participates in this exhibition with 4 paintings.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Exhibition on "Thessaloniki to Painters"

As part of its 80th anniversary celebration, the Society for Macedonian Studies organized an exhibition entitled "Thessaloniki to Painters" in its Gallery.

The exhibition presents 130 works by 80 Greek and foreign painters covering a period from the mid-19th century to the present.

The works come from the collection of the EMS Gallery, the National Bank Educational Foundation (MIET), the Municipal Gallery of Thessaloniki, the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EVE). ), Thessaloniki gallery, private collections and painters from all over Greece.
The exhibition was inaugurated on Wednesday, October 2, 2019, at the Nikolaos Germanou Art Gallery building, 6th floor in Thessaloniki.

The exhibition, which was originally planned to last until 2 February 2020, is being extended to Sunday 1 March 2020 due to the great interest of the visual public.

I participate in this exhibition with 4 paintings.

Thessaloniki Port, 2011, acrylic, 21x30 cm.

Thessaloniki Port, 2011, acrylic, 21x30 cm.

Thessaloniki Port, 2011, acrylic, 21x30 cm.

Thessaloniki Port, 2011, acrylic, 21x30 cm.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Serhad Bapir on '' The Kurdish Window '' on the satellite TV channel of Kurdistan 24

I was hosted on the program '' The Kurdish Window '' on the satellite TV channel of Kurdistan 24 which broadcasts in the south of Kurdistan. Thanks to Mıhemed Bilen, Seybrahim Seydo Aydogan, Metin Dag and all their partners.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

In Vafopouleio in Thessaloniki the 8th individual exhibition by Serhad Bapir (TV100-27 / 03/19)

His eighth individual exhibition presents, in the Vapofoulio Cultural Center of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the art artist, Serhad Bapir. The painter came to Greece from Kurdistan in 1984 as a political refugee and immediately began his studies at the School of Fine Arts of the Aristotle University, where he graduated with excellent degree. In his new collection, the works focus on the concepts of freedom and democracy.

Reportage: Diogenis Mariolas

Camera: Sakis Sonis

They speak: Serhad Bapir (Visual),

Thalia Stefanidou (Art Historian),

Petros Dimitrakopoulos (Chairman of the Vapofouliou Election Commission)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Conversation of the artist Serhad Bapir with the art historian Thalia Stefanidou at the Vaophoopoulos Cultural Center.

On March 20, 2019, the Historical Art Speech was held at the Vafopouleio Cultural Center. Thalia Stefanidou for the work and exhibition of Serhad Bapir. A fruitful dialogue has developed between Ms. Thalia Stefanidou and the artist in front of the audience.

Snapshots from the conversation of Serhad Bapir with the art historian Thalia Stephanidou at the Vaophoopoulos Cultural Center. The artist in two large halls of Vapofoulio presents 172 paintings and one installation.

Serhad Bapir and Art Historian Ms. Thalea Stefanidou